
Sherrie Eldridge speaking to parents

Parents, welcome to this page! I am glad you connected with me. Wherever you are on your adoption journey, remember you are always welcome and rest assured that this is your page, dedicated to you and your needs. Here, you can learn about successful parenting, adoption style!

In my eyes, your family is unique and beautiful, like a grafted tree! I bet all would agree that even though your family is unique and beautiful, the grafting process is far from easy, That’s why we’re here.


Here you will:

  • Find out how and when to talk to your child about adoption
  • Learn how to talk about your child’s birth family without feeling nervous or threatened
  • Understand your child’s unspoken needs and how to meet them feel safe enough to share your heart with of other parents who “get it”
  • Gain wisdom from those further along on the journey
  • Learn what secrets cans paralyze your parenting
  • Strip away adoption romanticism and myths

I’ve seen you for the last 20 years when I’ve traveled the world talking about adoption to anyone who would listen. Yes, I’ve seen you and witnessed your joy. At those times, you remind me of a gardener beholding his full-grown grafted tree. He steps back, takes a deep breath, and says to himself, “Yup, you bet you, the challenges were worth it. Like the gardener, you often step back and see the big picture of your family. And like the gardener, you smile.

The last photo here is an adoptive mom making “forever fingerrpints” for her daughter soon after birth. See those tiny fingers? They are making prints in my children’s book, Forever Fingerprints…An Amazing Discovery for Adopted Children. What a treasure this will be for everyone involed! Is there any reason why this isn’t my favorite book?

I love it because it meets the basic need of adoptees–a tangible sense of connection with both her birth parents and adoptive parents.

There is also an adoption ceremony based on the fingerprint art, done by illustrator and graphic artist, Rob Williams. It is such a fun book for kids and also helps parents who are a little nervous about talking with their kids about adoption!


“An adopted child’s need for a tangible sense of connection to his past and present can be likened to a starving man looking for food.”

Videos for Adoptees

Sherrie and Lisa

Adoptee Shares Faith in Jesus

Adoptees and Depression

A Father to the Fatherless

Adoptees CAN Conquer Anger

Adoptees CAN Make Life-Changing Choices

Why Adoptees Feel Different

Adoptees Searching for Birth Families

Adoptees Unexplainable Anxiety

All-Adoptee Boot Camp Live 2011

Adoptees and Rejection
