Sherrie Eldridge speaking to adoptees
When Sherrie Eldridge speaks about her greatest passion — adoption — adopted children and their parents are drawn closer. Sherrie is an internationally-recognized speaker and author of the best-selling Twenty Things Adopted Kids Wish Their Adoptive Parents Knew, now it it’s tenth year of publishing, with sales exceeding 135,000. An adopted person herself, Sherrie blends practical adoption truths with life-changing principles. She helps parents see adoption from their child’s viewpoint, equipping
parents to:
Be more confident about starting discussions with their children about their past.
Value the birth parents without feeling insecure.
Provide love in ways their child can receive.
Help their children discover their unique mark of ownership on their lives.
Create a sense of purpose in the adopted child’s life by fostering a true understanding of themselves.

Sherrie is the author of four books including Twenty Life Transforming Choices Adoptees Need to Make, the best-selling Twenty Things Adopted Kids Wish their Adoptive Parents Knew, her first children’s book, Forever Fingerprints, and the newly released Questions Adoptees are Asking.
Currently, she is writing a sequel to the best-seller, titled Twenty Things Adoptive Parents Need to Succeed (Bantam Dell, 2009).